Volunteer On A Sustainable Eco Farm (Short Term) Brazil
We are a self sustainable Eco-Farm in Brazil. We have been working with volunteers since the very beginning of the project. We aim to become an example of a sustainable international community guided by the principles of Permaculture, growing and producing, while being in balance with nature through organic farming, renewable energy, agroforestry and bioconstruction, but having the support as well of a responsible use of some modern technology. In order to achieve this in Eco Caminhos, we believe healthy human development its a must, we must all learn to work hard together and respect each others cultures and backgrounds, we want to learn from our volunteers and them from us. Here we find ourselves away from the hectic rhythms of the modern system, we firmly believe this is a perfect environment for personal and community growth.
We offer volunteers an amazing and unique experience, helping us in all the different sustainable projects we run while receiving hands-on training. This volunteer program is not just about the work on bioconstruction, agroforestry and organic farming alone, it is about being part of a small and passionate community, contributing to it with each own personal touch, learning from us as well, and growing as a person in a natural, inspiring, hard-working and calm environment.
Short-term volunteers will work approximately 24 hours, 3 days a week, and the work can vary between agroforestry, bioconstruction (natural building), and other jobs at the farm, normally on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesdays we offer several presentations on permaculture, agroforestry, bioconstruction and other topics, while on Thursday we organize tours and outdoor recreation. Weekends are free to enjoy as you prefer, although we usually organize some extra activities as well.
You can have a look at all the volunteering program we run on our website. In case you feel interested in one of them, please fill out the application form at the bottom of the page. You can also snoop our daily life on our Instagram page and listen to other people's experiences on our YouTube channel.
Eco Caminhos
Nova Fribugo, Rio de Jainero
This program doesn’t require any experience, just be motivated to learn and get your hands dirty. Our experts are around to provide you with supervision whenever needed.
Dates of program:
Year round
Duration of program:
1 week minimum
Age requirement:
Adults of both sexes 18+ (volunteers under 18 accepted with parents permission)
Prices start at US$350 for 1 week. Fees cover food, accommodation, Wi-Fi, training and at least one outdoor activity per week. We provide an airport transfer (around 3h) with our trusted driver for 800 reais.
Other information:

"I had an amazing and very instructive stay at Eco Caminhos for a week. I learned about agroforestry, bio-construction, Permaculture, composting and organic farming. I definitely loved the remote location about 30 min. from Nova Friburgo in the state of Rio de Janeiro I enjoyed the living within nature, mountains...the views from the house are priceless! The fantastic thing is that I learned a lot helping in the projects (such as constructing cop walls, setting up a composting system, working in the organic garden) and also enjoyed a lot...starting slowing down, living the NOW, breathing fresh air, going on fantastic trails in the beautiful area close to Eco Caminhos and not to forget the delicious home cooked food and bread and making new friends. It was an all over experience that I enjoyed a lot! Thanks for having me! All the best!!! I would always go back and stay longer - highly recommended. Price for eco caminhos volunteering: I guess for students or lower income groups the stay could be too costly since there are many networks nowadays where you can exchange work for stay & food."- Andrea Liffers

"I was at Eco Caminhos two years ago and stayed there for 9 months together. During my time I learned a lot about natural building and Permaculture. Especially the building program was very interesting. But the most important thing for me personal was to became myself again. I couldn't find my way in the Netherlands - I had depression - and stepping out of my comfort zone was the best decision I could make. When I was in Holland I never had the feeling to talk about all my problems - the people had constantly judged about me which makes me feel very frustrated. Brasil teached me to be more open minded and the people there are very relaxed. I made a lot of new friends who I am still in contact nowadays. This place and the nature are just fantastic and it will refresh your mind!!"- Jori Driessens

"I learned more than I expected in my four months experience. The staff are the soul of the project. They are very friendly and helpful. I felt very welcome since my first day there. I also learned a lot about agroforestry, bio-construction and how to live in society."- Daniel Neves De Moraes

"I've came here in the fall of 2017 and stayed for three months. I would have stayed longer if the visa had permitted it! During this time I've learned a lot about eco-construction and Permaculture, I made new friends, took in the smashing surroundings and generally had a blast! For me, going back to a more basic form of life has really done me well. It helped me reconnect to the things in life that are really important to me. Meeting people, social interaction without a social media interaction layer in between ;). You could say it helped me realise that in life, we get surrounded with a lot of useless and pointless extra baggage and luxury we really don't need, and actually don't want for the most part. It was refreshing and inspiring to spend my energy on concrete and meaningful activities like working on building our eco guest lodge, working in the gardens to grow our own food etc. Being out in nature, taking in the smashing views while working with your hands, really helps to clear the mind and just enjoy the moment. Hiking in the beautiful surroundings was amazing as well and worthwhile cities to visit like Rio the Janeiro, Bezios, etc., are all in reach with decently organised public transportation. My goal was to have a break of my regular job in health care, experience something new and learn new things like eco building techniques. During my stay I got so excited about the work, I decided to change things around when I'd go back to Holland. And so I did. I decided to take on a new career and am now working in construction, planning to steer my new founded company in the direction of some form of eco construction! I haven't had much experiences like this that really set me on a new path, I guess you could say the experience has been life changing for me!"- Reinder Meiborg
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