Volunteer Abroad Programs in Paraguay
Nature conservation, wildlife, education, health, child care and community programs for college students, adults, couples, families and volunteers under 18. Volunteer abroad in Paraguay.

Volunteer English Teaching
We are looking for volunteers to teach our English course in rural Paraguay, well off the tourist-trail. By learning English our students are aiming to leave the cycle of poverty.
- Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Internet

Primatology Research and Intern Supervisor
We are looking for someone to conduct research and teach field science at a fully equipped ecological research station.
- Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Free
Food - Free
Lodging - Internet
Access - Stipend /
Small Salary

Tropical Research Placement
Our internship program provides young biologists an opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the field, gaining hands-on experience.
- Academic
Credit - Bus Station
Pickup - Internet
Access - Training
Provided - Volunteer

Environmental Education Project
Gain hands-on experience in education, teaching children about their natural environment and engaging their curiosity about the outside world, while making a real difference in Paraguay.
- Academic
Credit - Bus Station
Pickup - Discounted
Rate - Internet
Access - Volunteer