Volunteer Abroad Programs in Latin America
Nature conservation, wildlife, education, health, child care and community programs for college students, adults, couples, families and volunteers under 18. Volunteer abroad in Latin America.

Marketing And E-Commerce Assistant
We are looking for a proactive and enthusiastic individual with a passion for fair trade and artisanal products to join us in Guatemala, helping our Mothers' Artisan Group.
- Academic
Credit - Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Training
Provided - Volunteer

Tropical Research Placement
Our internship program provides young biologists an opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the field, gaining hands-on experience.
- Academic
Credit - Bus Station
Pickup - Internet
Access - Training
Provided - Volunteer

Volunteer with Wildlife
We are a dynamic wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre located on 250 acres of Amazon rainforest, near Mera, Ecuador, South America.
- Free-time
Activities - Nature /
Wildlife - Training
Provided - Volunteer

Environmental Education Project
Gain hands-on experience in education, teaching children about their natural environment and engaging their curiosity about the outside world, while making a real difference in Paraguay.
- Academic
Credit - Bus Station
Pickup - Discounted
Rate - Internet
Access - Volunteer

Community Development & Permaculture Volunteers
We are seeking volunteers to help us with ecological restoration and community development projects.
- Academic
Credit - Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Free
Food - Free
Lodging - Internet

Permaculture and Biodynamic Teaching Farm
We love working with volunteers that have chose organic / regenerative lifestyles and work-paths.
- Families
Welcome - Free-time
Activities - Free
Food - Free
Lodging - Spanish
Classes - Stipend /
Small Salary

Conservation Internship
Contribute to our ongoing research and community projects on the coast of Ecuador! Interns will learn a variety of practical conservation skills.
- Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Nature /
Wildlife - Training

Forming EcoVillage
We welcome volunteers at our ecovillage to assist with technology projects (website, social media and marketing) and work on the farm (food forest, water and power systems).
- Free-time
Activities - Free
Lodging - Internet
Access - Nature /

Teaching English Assistance
This is a perfect opportunity for someone who wants to improve their teaching skills and get a deeper understanding of educational process. No teaching experience is necessary.
- Free of
Charge - Internet
Access - Training

Help Us Rescuing Dogs and Cats
Our dog and cat rescue project located in a remote mountain village in Costa Rica is looking for short term and long term volunteers.
- Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Nature /

Classroom Assistant
We are seeking dedicated, innovative, energetic volunteers to participate in our homestay/volunteer program. We are located on less than a half kilometre from pristine beaches.
- Academic
Credit - Free-time
Activities - In-country
Transport - Internet

Teach English To Awesome Kids
Are you looking for a change in direction or pace and don’t know where to start? Why not join us for a year teaching English to some awesome kids.
- Airport
Pickup - Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Free
Food - Free
Lodging - Internet