Volunteer Abroad Programs in Brazil
Nature conservation, wildlife, education, health, child care and community programs for college students, adults, couples, families and volunteers under 18. Volunteer abroad in Brazil.

Ecotourism Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help with the general running of the place, which includes cleaning, maintenance, gardening, green building, painting and creative projects.
- Free of
Charge - Free
Lodging - Nature /

Favela Volunteer in Rio de Janeiro
Volunteers gain valuable work experience that can be used for future career and educational opportunities, by becoming a volunteer in one of Rio's largest favelas.
- Airport
Pickup - Free-time

Regeneration & Sustainable Tourism
We are looking for volunteers to help with regenerating the forest and developing economic sustainability for the small land owners and their families.
- Families
Welcome - Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Nature /

Sea Turtle and Artisanal Fisheries Monitoring
Join us, help the sea turtlesĀ“ research and travel across the Brazilian south coast following the sea turtles!
- Academic
Credit - Internet
Access - Nature /
Wildlife - Training
Provided - Volunteer

Animal Welfare Project
We are a non-profit, non-religious, independent organisation, with the objective of promoting the welfare and the rights of all animals.
- Free of
Charge - Free-time

Volunteer at a Guesthouse
We are looking for volunteers to help us in our day to day activities in the guesthouse office. In their spare time volunteers can learn how to kitesurf or simply laze in a hammock.
- Free of
Charge - Free-time
Activities - Free
Food - Free
Lodging - Internet

Teaching and Integrated Social Work
Volunteers work with both children and adults in the areas of languages, sports, dance, theatre, arts, music, handcraft, etc.
- Free-time
Activities - Training

Volunteer & Learn Portuguese in Brazil
We offer various volunteering projects and Portuguese courses on the north eastern coast of Brazil.
- Airport
Pickup - Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Portuguese
Classes - Volunteer

Capoeira Therapy
Volunteers help by providing Capoeira therapy sessions for kids and adults with mental and physical disabilities. Music also plays significant part in the therapy.
- Airport
Pickup - Bus Station
Pickup - Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Portuguese

Permaculture and Green Building
We are looking for eco-volunteers / students who wish to learn Permaculture and various techniques of low impact construction like Adobe.
- Families
Welcome - Free-time
Activities - Internet
Access - Training